ps必须是cs6及以上版本!必须是英文版。载入画笔-----载入动作 -----------打开照片------------新建图层(area)---对要画的区域简历选取并填充颜色----------开始播放动作------------然后等几分钟就可以了!
1. Open your image;
2. Open "Pencil Sketch Brushes" file;
3. Open "Pencil Sketch Patterns" file;
4. Open the action (for that go to: Window / Actions, click on menu icon at the right and choose in list "Load Actions..."
then find the action on your computer and open it;
5. Create a new layer and name it "area" (do not use CapsLock);
6. Paint on this layer the area that you need to focus (you can use any colors);
7. Find action on the action list then open it and click play;
8. Wait a few minutes that Photoshop make all actions (speed of action work depends of the power of your computer);
9. Then change the colors and contrast if you need;