At any point in time you can go back to your modeling software and continue to refine your model. Make
any changes you like, either small, by modifying aspects of the designs, or large, by changing the overall
geometry, causing parts to move or configurations to update. You may:
● Make color modifications to break out separate parts and surfaces
● Make design changes on the part level
● Move parts in the assembly
● Add or change assembly features
Once you are satisfied with your changes, simply click on the “Update” button from the KeyShot toolbar
menu. Your design inside KeyShot will be updated and everything will be preserved. New parts added to the
scene will import as well and can then have material assigned to them.
Live linking will also work when you close down both your modeling software and KeyShot then return to the
project a day, week or month later. Simply, load the model into your modeling software and load the
KeyShot scene with the same model to be instantly connected.